I am trying to install the forum on my shared hosting server. The MySQL database is on their network and not resident on the server. I have the following database details (the XXXXX is my unique info).
Database Name: MyForum
Database Server: xxx.xxx.com
Full Access Username
This username has full access to database. It is the only username allowed to create new tables in the database, or to delete or change tables.
Username: xxxxxxU
Password: xxxxxxxP
On the install screen I answered as follows:
Forum Title: MyForum
MySQL Host: localhost
MySQL Database: xxx.xxx.com
MySQL Password: XXXXXP
Table Prefix: (empty)
Admin Username: admin
Admin Email: XXXXXX
Admin Password: XXXXXX
Confirm Password: XXXXXX
Also, I changed the localhost to and it doesn't make any difference.
I have used another PHP forum on the shared hosting server and it worked OK.
Any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong...
Thank you in advance