I'm using fof-oauth for our own login provider. The plugin used LoginButton.js from the core.
The content of this file:
import app from '../../forum/app';
import Button from '../../common/components/Button';
* The `LogInButton` component displays a social login button which will open
* a popup window containing the specified path.
* ### Attrs
* - `path`
export default class LogInButton extends Button {
static initAttrs(attrs) {
attrs.className = (attrs.className || '') + ' LogInButton';
attrs.onclick = function () {
const width = 580;
const height = 400;
const $window = $(window);
app.forum.attribute('baseUrl') + attrs.path,
`width=${width},` +
`height=${height},` +
`top=${$window.height() / 2 - height / 2},` +
`left=${$window.width() / 2 - width / 2},` +
I wan't to change the width and the height from this file.
Can you help me how I can do this? I have some own modules and I override and extend some classes on it. But for this case, I don't know where to start.
is it posible? And if yes, how 🙂
Flarum information
Flarum core: 1.7.1