I am making a new site from scratch with Authentication. However, I would like to integerate with Flarum as well. I have a few options here.
1. Login my user to my site with my AUth and fetch token in background from API and save it in cookie for Flarum login. (Problems are I need to modify Flarum code to hide/redirect all login/registration points)
2. Replace my Login system to a token system that is the same as flarum token... so now its kind of my custom SSO which uses Flarum Auth. User can login/logout from either my site or from Flarum hosted site. (Problems, Not sure if this is fully possible without modifying Flarum at all I think there is already some csrf_token check on logout).
I am already done with first option. However I dont want to hide the modals, place redirections etc as I prefer to mess with my code rather than Flarums. So I think approach two is better.
Q1 Any better ideas?
Q2 When is Flarum SSO coming? SHould I bother with it?
Q3 If i follow with approach 2, I am hoping developers of Flarum keep in mind that people are using this kind of integeration and make sure things dont stray away.