Unfortunately, regardless of whether I disable or uninstall this plugin, the problem still exists. Below are my permission settings.
Here are php flarum info
Flarum core: 1.8.1
PHP version: 8.1.17
MySQL version: 5.7.41-log
Loaded extensions: Core, date, libxml, openssl, pcre, sqlite3, zlib, bcmath, ctype, curl, dom, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, hash, iconv, intl, json, mbstring, SPL, session, pcntl, standard, mysqlnd, PDO, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, Phar, posix, Reflection, mysqli, shmop, SimpleXML, soap, sockets, sodium, sysvsem, tokenizer, xml, xmlreader, xmlwriter, zip, fileinfo, exif
| Flarum Extensions | | |
| ID | Version | Commit |
| flarum-flags | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-approval | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-tags | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-suspend | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-sticky | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-bbcode | v1.8.0 | |
| afrux-forum-widgets-core | v0.1.7 | |
| fof-byobu | 1.3.0 | |
| askvortsov-auto-moderator | v0.1.2 | |
| flarum-likes | v1.8.0 | |
| zerosonesfun-up | 1.0 | |
| zerosonesfun-direct-links | 3.1 | |
| zerosonesfun-composer-preview | 1.1.9 | |
| yannisme-oxotheme | 2.1.5 | |
| wanecho-showfloor | 1.0.1 | ebacb222855a3734f71760a5b14ae863fdb289d1 |
| v17development-seo | v1.8.0 | |
| the-turk-stickiest | 2.0.3 | |
| the-turk-nodp | 1.0.1 | |
| sycho-profile-cover | v1.3.5 | |
| ramesh-dada-realtime | 100.2 | |
| michaelbelgium-discussion-views | v7.2.1 | |
| littlecxm-reply-to-see | 1.0.2 | |
| kvothe-pipetables | 1.0.8 | |
| justoverclock-hot-discussions | 0.1.2 | |
| fof-user-bio | 1.1.1 | |
| fof-upload | 1.2.3 | |
| fof-terms | 1.2.1 | |
| fof-split | 1.1.0 | |
| fof-sitemap | 1.0.3 | |
| fof-share-social | 1.1.2 | |
| fof-profile-image-crop | 1.1.1 | |
| fof-prevent-necrobumping | 1.1.1 | |
| fof-pretty-mail | 1.1.1 | |
| fof-pages | 1.0.5 | |
| fof-nightmode | 1.5.1 | |
| fof-links | 1.1.4 | |
| fof-frontpage | 1.1.1 | |
| fof-formatting | 1.0.3 | |
| fof-drafts | 1.2.2 | |
| fof-disposable-emails | 1.0.0 | |
| fof-default-user-preferences | 1.2.0 | |
| fof-default-group | 1.1.1 | |
| fof-best-answer | 1.2.5 | |
| fof-ban-ips | 1.0.3 | |
| flarum-subscriptions | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-statistics | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-nicknames | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-mentions | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-markdown | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-lock | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-lang-english | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-lang-chinese-traditional | v1.12.1 | |
| flarum-lang-chinese-simplified | v1.3.0 | |
| flarum-emoji | v1.8.0 | |
| datlechin-title-length | v0.1.1 | |
| darkle-fancybox | 1.1.2 | |
| clarkwinkelmann-emojionearea | 1.0.0 | |
| clarkwinkelmann-discussion-bookmarks | 2.0.0 | |
| antoinefr-money | v1.3.1 | |
| acpl-mobile-tab | 1.1.1 | |
What should I do? Can I only disable this button through CSS?