• Extensions
  • Blog - Adds a blog section to your community

Is it possible to restrict the tag choices only to the blog tags?

Release 0.3.0 - Beta-16, tweaks & bug fixes

Update time! Lot's of bug fixes, tweaks and Flarum beta-16 compatible! 🙂


How to update?

To update, run:

composer update v17development/flarum-blog

To install, run:

composer require v17development/flarum-blog

If you have feature requests, create an issue on GitHub 😎

    Looking forward, if an option such as theme or layout selection will come for the blog plugin, I would like to share an example to give an idea for the layout to be created.


    10 days later
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    @JasperVriends Not sure if I missed it, and I'm pretty sure I raised a GitHub request, but is it possible to include the welcome hero on the blog page ? It seems a little out of place with other content without this.

    Edit - I did open a request


      I can access to article that is not has permission allowed tag for blog on blog side. This article's blog url is accessible on google I can show it when I click on google search list or type direct its url.

        fakruzaruret I'm sorry, I don't understand the issue. Can you elaborate?

        [deleted] Good one, I've kept the issue open in the last update as I still don't know what would be the best for this extension and how this header would be implemented.

        Wouldn't it be better for extensions to extend to the blog page and add custom headers via other extensions? I think that would make more sense to be honest. But let me know if there are any other thoughts.

        6 days later
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        JasperVriends How can I make wider the post pages? Blog posts on mobile are too narrow. I tried to do it with css, but the plugin's css suppressed the css codes I added.

          [deleted] Have you tried adding !important to the end of the css code? for example:

          color: #000!important;
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            JasperVriends Why isn't shown Dropdown in my forum's mobile view?

            My Forum:

            Other Forums:

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            JasperVriends Users who are not logged in cannot view the author information on the right of the blog post.

            Has anyone switched from Wordpress or any other CMS to this extension so far?
            What are the experiences, advantages, disadvantages?

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            How can I remove the 3 featured posts at the top of the blog page. I want all posts to look the same.

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              [deleted] Not a removal as such, but easily hidden with this CSS

              .FlarumBlogOverview .BlogFeatured-list {
                  display: none;

              The real issue with this route is that it will also hide the three blog posts listed. It would be better to have a setting that enables or disables the featured blog posts.

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              JasperVriends When a user who has not logged in yet, visits the blog post, sometimes does not see the author information (like this). Also, sometimes the back button does not work (when hasn not logged in yet). What is the problem?

                [deleted] , For the non loggedin user it may be required to visit twice on the same url even a refresh to the page too doesnot lodes the page properly whereas if we move front or back from the blog list page to same blog for the secondtime then this loades the page properly I recoded this behaviour have a look @