This is a hefty request, something somewhat niche but could be useful to many communities out there I think. My main forum currently is running on Invision Community 4, and I've been keeping an eye on Flarum's progression for years now because I think it's such a cool project but hasn't quite reached the point where I want to switch to it, but it is getting quite close to that. Only thing missing is the key part of what we provide: file downloads. We host mods for the old games Jedi Outcast and Academy; over 3000 files with unique pages for each.
Since we run on Invision Community, they have a handful of modules they offer that are extensive that complement the core forum, essentially official extensions but are quite robust. The file downloads feature is currently called "File sharing" but was called IP.Downloads in the past.
I am requesting an extension that can take inspiration from this feature, but make it a bit more simple. One reason I am wanting to move away from it (other than insane pricing) is they have over-complicated it in a lot of ways. See our current files section here: JKHub Files
Essentially I would like the following features:
- A way for users to submit their own files through a form, complete with an upload button or an external link
- The ability for users to upload screenshots
- The ability for admins to set their own custom fields that users can fill in and then displays on the page
- Version tracking and changelogs
- All submissions go into a queue page for moderators to go through a list of files to approve, with the ability to edit anything they deem necessary before they go public
- Ability to deny files with a reason, notifying the user why it was denied
- Notifications for a user when their files are approved
- Notifications for moderators when a new file was submitted and waiting approval
- The ability for moderators to set a file as featured
- An index page that shows latest files uploaded, featured files, top downloaded files, etc. ( for example)
- Custom categories/tags created by admin
- Ability for users to comment on files
- Ability to search files easily
- Proper SEO for all file pages
- Payments for downloads (not necessary for my use case, but could be very useful for anyone else that would want to use this who is also moving from Invision)
I created a quick mockup of what a file page could look like on Flarum:

I can provide any resources with how our current system on Invision works or looks, like the approval queue or file submission form, though I'm not worried too much how those look as long as they are functional.
Like I said, I know this is a pretty huge undertaking, and I am willing to pay for it. I'd like it to remain a free extension as well but if it ends up being a huge pain to continue support for, a small subscription fee going forward is also acceptable, but that can be figured out later, if this gets made at all. I think it would be used by a lot of people out there, but if not I am also just willing to pay someone to make it specifically for me and keep it private if need be. Let me know how viable this request is.