Just for the record, I'm now looking in the db at the right place:
select username, tag_id, subscription, name from tag_user tu
left join users u on tu.user_id = u.id
left join tags t on tu.tag_id = t.id order by username;
I'm also looking at the notifications
table and this isn't quite so obvious how it works. I have to work out the corresponding notification display name on the user settings page for all the type
names in the db. I appreciate that there is no suppression of notifiications by hierarchy, in other words, I will still get more than one notification for a single event.
I think I get 2 notifications when I post a new thread in a tag I am subscribed to. That is, once for discussionCreated, so I see all new threads, and once for newDiscussionInTag, so that I see new threads in tags I follow. I'm just thinking out loud here, that's not a criticism.
I think this is pretty good but it took a while to figure it out. It's an improvement over Loomio anyway, where a board I run is plagued by members claiming they were never notified.