m4v3rick I have just visited your site as a guest and as a registered user and the loading speed is good. I didn't want to post so that it wouldn't look weird to see a spanish guy posting on an austrian site xD.
At this point I would need to know if this performance is derived from the recommendations we made or the forum has always behaved like this. The loading, even in large threads, doesn't exceed seconds in my case, I'd say it's pretty good.
However, if by performance problems you are referring to the pagespeed insights tests (never listen to that), maybe the problem lies elsewhere. The important thing in a dynamic forum is that users have a good experience, and I'd say your site delivers in terms of loading speed. I'm concerned that you may have mixed content on some links and that's why I'm recommending you use HTTP/2. On the other hand, the DOOM problem can be reduced. I've used GTMETRIX, which I find more reliable than Google's tool and yes, tweets are hurting your performance, which slows down First Contentful Paint.
If you want to speed up the load a bit more, you can use the DNS Prefetch method I detailed in this discussion, it's not a huge leap in performance, but on posts with a lot of tweets or third party services, it can make a noticeable difference.
I have just visited your site as a guest and as a registered user and the loading speed is good. I didn't want to post so that it wouldn't look weird to see a spanish guy posting on an austrian site xD.
At this point I would need to know if this performance is derived from the recommendations we made or the forum has always behaved like this. The loading, even in large threads, doesn't exceed seconds in my case, I'd say it's pretty good.
However, if by performance problems you are referring to the pagespeed insights tests (never listen to that), maybe the problem lies elsewhere. The important thing in a dynamic forum is that users have a good experience, and I'd say your site delivers in terms of loading speed. I'm concerned that you may have mixed content on some links and that's why I'm recommending you use HTTP/2. On the other hand, the DOOM problem can be reduced. I've used GTMETRIX, which I find more reliable than Google's tool and yes, tweets are hurting your performance, which slows down First Contentful Paint.
If you want to speed up the load a bit more, you can use the DNS Prefetch method I detailed in this discussion, it's not a huge leap in performance, but on posts with a lot of tweets or third party services, it can make a noticeable difference. You could also use a method to do lazy loading on iframes, I think it could help with that.
Likewise, as GreXXL says, a Redis queue is always recommended to scale performance.