I got paid a little early, so i'm able to put some money towards this 🙂 if an admin could add the bounty tag i'll try chucking some money in!
Yeah I see two ways of doing it, like this so you could have multiple threads per user, that way you'd be able to have the reply chain and such, or just essentially having one thread per user
Otherwise I think you'd have to be careful with things like the placement of the "start a thread with this user" button, to avoid causing clutter. If one were to go down the 'many threads per user' profile comments idea, we'd want to have most of the first post be the title/subject since we dont want them really to be a substitute for using the forum proper. So I think maybe simpler is better, and essentially we'd be making a rudimentary DM system otherwise (although i'm down to see that 👀 )

personally i prefer displaying comments most recent first but i mocked up what it could be like either way.
Since posting originally i've been thinking about it more and what I think would be best, although i'm open to tech reasons to do other things.
- Each user gets 1 'profile comments' thread
- Ideally each user can delete comments in their own thread, but for simplicity i'm okay to moderate it like other threads
- Profile comments posts only show on that user profile/not on the homepage.
- Profile comments are followed by default, so they'd get notifs on any profile comments made
- IDEAL Ability to limit media use for this function. I'm not sure whether that one would be hard to do since it'd involve messing with other extensions/functions?
I'm thinking maybe having it be text-only may be best, partly to not distract from the main forum and partly to make it easier for moderation long term.
Feel free to let me know any feedback on those key points or any disagreements, for practicality reasons or otherwise 🙂