Hello guys!
I’ve been hanging around discuss.flarum.org on and off for a couple of years and I even did a small contribution to the code base at some point 😊
I work for a company that runs a forum service. We are about to move away from this legacy Symfony code base. The current forum have the normal functionality like Groups, Private messages, Image uploads etc. So we will most likely need a couple of custom plugins.
I’ve been searching and reading about performance etc. on the forum and is a little bit worried to make the leap without consulting you guys.
Our current forum consists of:
- +500 thousand users
- +5 million threads (discussions)
- +100 million messages (posts)
- about 10 threads (discussions) with +200 thousand messages (posts)
- about 400 threads (discussions) with +40 thousand messages (posts)
- about 500 concurrent users.
In our current system we have solved a lot of pain points with table sharding for almost all type of data that exceeds a certain threshold.
I am currently filling up a database with fake data, using migratetoflarum/fake-data
👍️ , so that we can run some tests. It takes a while to get up to the 100 million posts range 😅
So what do you think. Will a switch to Flarum be a good fit or will we end up with a lot of headaches?
Kind regards,