I would like to migrate a current installation of Vanilla 1 (yes, one!) to Flarum.
As I'm getting older and no longer have time/patience to fiddle with things I don't/want to understand, thus won't/can't learn, I'm looking for someone to do it for me.
I'm not sure how much this would cost and if it would be financially viable, hence this post.
Current status:
Dedicated server: https://www.hetzner.com/dedicated-rootserver/ax41-nvme/

- keep most current structure/style/css, so that the transition doesn't provoke any "don't-like-the-new-look" allergy on our users
- rewrite current custom URLs to new URLs with all the correct 301 redirects, so that we can keep our ranking on Google
"Need to have features" AND OR need to keep database of:
- like/agree post
- thank you post
- upload and display multiple images + PDF
- user favorite discussions
- user favorite saved searchs
- no answer discussion filter
- sink discussion
- user profile custom page (user can provide a custom two column table of data, for example, Phone | Number, Site | www.site.com, etc.)
- report to moderation
- private categories based on roles
"Would like to have" features, actually not present:
- best answer
- related discussions
- unanswered discussion automated bump, i.e., bump an orphan discussion when there aren't new discussions in x hours or when there's no activity within x minutes, etc.
- automated post of new (previously saved) discussions when there aren't new discussions in x hours or when there's no activity within x minutes, etc. (this will be used for news, articles, how-tos, etc. NOT to generate bogus posting)
- Facebook/Google login
- desktop/mobile notifications
"It would be great if" features (WARNING: buzzwords ahead):
- AI spam moderation
- AI generated discussion title based on original post text (i.e. summarize) and on rules (x characters, avoid y words, etc.)
- AI automatic (predefined and limited) tagging of new discussions
- based on above, suggest OP to consult or append to existing discussions rather than create a new one
I'll provide:
- a server to do whatever you need to accomplish the migration (no access to live server)
- a comfortable deadline
- remuneration based on stages
I'll donate 25% of the migration service price to Flarum (100% for the migration service + 25% for Flarum)
Feel free to comment and add anything you think it's worth here.
I would love to hear some input.
For quotes, reach me at: m6l2f4jnz@mozmail.com