bdfl I'm curious why the Extension tag was removed and Support added.
The tagExtensions is for extensions, not requests for them. There are some requirements for extensions to be published under that tag as well. We prefer to keep that tag as clean as possible.
bdfl There hasn't been a reply or even a view In three weeks, but I can see from other discussions and projects that there has been interest in this topic. Is this feature something that Flarum considered and decided against?
First of all. Flarum aims to be as minimal as possible so that we can invest as much as possible in extensibility. Extensions drive Flarum, that's why even core features like Tags, Likes and Sticky are extensions, albeit first-party ones. As such we hardly ever author extensions as the Flarum team. Read more about this in our docs.
Secondly, everyone has their own interests, needs and wants. A quick look on the "trusted by" section on and you'll understand why. We simply cannot comply to building everything everyone needs while remaining open source. We rely heavily on volunteer contributions and their time is limited. That's also why we have started providing commercial client development, where publishing features as open source costs less than keeping them private.
Thirdly, I remember faintly seeing some star rating functionality. But that one used bbcode to render them, meaning they were saved as part of the post and not stored separately in the database. Perhaps FoF Gamification would suffice for now, it uses upvotes:
Fourthly, alternatively you can also consider starting a crowdfunding action through ourProposals tag. This seems to be receiving some more traction lately.
I hope this helps to understand our position and your options in moving forward. With the new website I've also introduced a new page to help you see options for your journey using Flarum: