The issue
I have one browser where I am logged in with a user I'll call testuser. When I click logout in that browser, nothing happens. If I hit refresh, it still shows logged in, if I try clicking logout again, nothing. If I open a new browser window in incognito mode to get new cookies, everything works fine there. I could just delete all cookies in the one browser, but I'd like to understand the root cause and fix it. Partly because...
I also have another employee who when he refreshes, the page doesn't show the latest discussions, but if he shift-refreshes, it will then show the latest. If he then refreshes again without holding down shift, it once again doesn't display the latest. He can go back and forth like that. Presumably using a local cache that isn't updating when he doesn't shift-click refresh.
I'm hoping all of this may be related to a third issue I've seen, that is when I've tried to run:
php flarum cache:clear
I get the error:
Could not clear contents of `storage/cache`. Please adjust file permissions and try again. This can frequently be fixed by clearing cache via the `Tools` dropdown on the Administration Dashboard page.
The tools dropdown doesn't work either -- if I run this command:
sudo chmod -R 775 .
Then I can run the cache clear (but this doesn't fix my logout not working issue), and the next time I try again awhile later, it has the same permissions issue -- so perhaps my configuration at the linux user / filesystem level is wrong in some fashion?
Thanks much for any help 🙂
Flarum information
[2024-05-13 22:59:41] flarum.ERROR: Firebase config invalid
Flarum core: 1.8.5
PHP version: 8.3.6
MySQL version: 10.11.7-MariaDB-2ubuntu2
Loaded extensions: Core, date, libxml, openssl, pcre, zlib, filter, hash, json, pcntl, random, Reflection, SPL, session, standard, sodium, mysqlnd, PDO, xml, calendar, ctype, curl, dom, mbstring, FFI, fileinfo, ftp, gd, gettext, gmp, iconv, exif, mysqli, pdo_mysql, Phar, posix, readline, shmop, SimpleXML, sockets, sysvmsg, sysvsem, sysvshm, tokenizer, xmlreader, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, Zend OPcache
| Flarum Extensions | | |
| ID | Version | Commit |
| flarum-flags | v1.8.0 | |
| flamarkt-backoffice | 0.1.3 | |
| flarum-approval | v1.8.1 | |
| flarum-tags | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-suspend | v1.8.1 | |
| fof-linguist | 1.1.2 | |
| fof-default-user-preferences | 1.2.1 | |
| fof-default-group | 1.1.2 | |
| fof-byobu | 1.3.6 | |
| flarum-subscriptions | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-sticky | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-statistics | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-mentions | v1.8.3 | |
| flarum-markdown | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-lock | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-likes | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-lang-english | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-extension-manager | v1.0.2 | |
| flarum-emoji | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-bbcode | v1.8.0 | |
| clarkwinkelmann-post-stream-search | 1.1.0 | |
| clarkwinkelmann-first-post-approval | 1.0.1 | |
| clarkwinkelmann-advanced-search-highlight | 1.0.2 | |
| askvortsov-pwa | v3.4.0 | |
Base URL:
Installation path: /var/www/html/forum
Queue driver: sync
Session driver: file
Mail driver: smtp
Debug mode: ON