If someone is looking to implement this, please know that there is a native PHP class. Example :
(new \SpoofChecker)->isSuspicious('AA'); // false
(new \SpoofChecker)->isSuspicious('AА'); // true − second A is cyrillic
Considerations :
- Some eastern charsets seem to allow ascii, which makes sense for a multi-lingual forum between eastern and western countries, where your name in both languages could be visible.
- However there is no reason to assume this will not be between two eastern languages, where SpoofChecker would block it.
- I believe the default security recommendation should be to put your other name in your profile description.
- This could be a setting so you can disable it (with a warning).
- This must be in register/creation and update.
In this day and age of misinformation, being spoof-proof by default could prove valuable. : )