(*Note: I don't know much about computer stuff, so for a more comprehensive description of what I'm hoping to describe here, I'd recommend checking out the XenCustomize 'Profile Audio Player & Library' add-on:
https://xencustomize.com/product/profile-audio-player-library.4/ )
-Flarum Audio Player & Library extension.
•Features include:
-Decent looking & functioning audio player and library section.
-Audio library would host & present an interactive audio experience with users uploaded audio tracks, including cover images, as well as optional fields for additional information, eg: lyrics, artists, albums, etc....
-Audio track view/listen/download counter/indicator.
-Audio track reactions & comments.
-Optional integration with music streaming services.
-Admin options for customization and control.
-An interactive audio player widget.
(*I had an interactive audio widget exclusively developed for the XF version - which only comes with a basic non- interactive featured audio widget.)
*Below are salvaged screenshots of the audio file upload form - as it appeared on my old XF site:
Below is a salvaged partial screenshot of the XF version of the audio library section:
(note the audio player options on each track - these were part of my custom interactive widget.)
Finally, below is a salvaged screenshot of the standard non-interactive widget;
(The interactive audio widget basically looked the same as this but included the audio player options shown in the previous screenshot.)
The XF 'Profile Audio Player & Library' is an epic add-on, although the interactive audio widget was significantly more effective at promoting users audio content due to the widget being so easily accessible, ie: at my old XF forum, positioned at the bottom of the main page and simply required a single tap to play/pause the featured audio tracks.
Hopefully this provides a general idea of the proposed Flarum Audio Player & Library extension.