Oh, yeah nah I think I understand what you're meaning.
I'm pretty sure all you'd need to do is set the required number of 'Primary Tags' as [2] to [2]
As counterintuitive as this (very obviously) seems. Users won't actually be able to select two different Parent tags, but rather once they select their first Parent tag they'll then only have the option to select that Parent tag's Child tags.
*At least, this is the tag selection behaviour I'm experiencing at my 3 Flarum sites.
Does the same behaviour not occur for you?
EDIT: In case I'm mistaken about how the tagging system works here/or instead the tagging behaviour I've experienced at my sites were anomalous and not meant to be occuring, I'll add that I think the Tags extension control panel interface probably should be improved slightly to clarify the distinctions between [Primary], [Child] & [Secondary] tags, as well as describing how each of these function & interact.
(*What I'm meaning is simply updating the extension to include a descriptive breakdown is all.)
Or, alternatively maybe we could even consider upgrading the Tags extension to include additional tagging settings/options specific to each of the 3 tag types...(¿?)
EDIT #2: Note; Please disregard my above opinions regarding the Tag extension functionality. I was mistaken.
😂So yeah it appears there must have been something erroneous-(although quite handy tbh)-interfering with my sites tagging systems.
Seems to be back to normal now.