We have looked now and the setting is active logs give the same error again.
There was nothing until the morning, when the server's memory was full, Flarum fell into error and we started getting this kind of error.
We fixed the memory problem and reset the server, and we encountered this error.
We also upgraded the php version.
Flarum core: 1.8.5
PHP version: 8.1.29
MySQL version: 10.6.19-MariaDB-ubu2004
Loaded extensions: Core, date, libxml, openssl, pcre, zlib, filter, hash, json, pcntl, Reflection, SPL, session, stan dard, sodium, mysqlnd, PDO, xml, bcmath, bz2, calendar, ctype, curl, dom, mbstring, FFI, fileinfo, ftp, gd, gettext, iconv, imagick, imap, intl, ldap, exif, mysqli, pdo_mysql, Phar, posix, pspell, readline, shmop, SimpleXML, soap, soc kets, sysvmsg, sysvsem, sysvshm, tokenizer, xmlreader, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, Zend OPcache
| Flarum Extensions | | |
| ID | Version | Commit |
| flarum-flags | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-tags | v1.8.1 | |
| flarum-approval | v1.8.1 | |
| flarum-likes | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-suspend | v1.8.1 | |
| flarum-mentions | v1.8.3 | |
| flarum-subscriptions | v1.8.0 | |
| fof-merge-discussions | 1.4.1 | |
| flarum-markdown | v1.8.0 | |
| fof-upload | 1.5.5 | |
| flarum-bbcode | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-sticky | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-nicknames | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-lock | v1.8.0 | |
| afrux-forum-widgets-core | v0.1.7 | |
| clarkwinkelmann-likes-received | 1.0.2 | |
| fof-pages | 1.0.8 | |
| fof-impersonate | 1.1.1 | |
| fof-user-directory | 1.3.3 | |
| fof-follow-tags | 1.2.5 | |
| michaelbelgium-discussion-views | v7.3 | |
| xelson-chat | v1.1.5 | |
| v17development-user-badges | v1.1.0 | |
| v17development-seo | v1.8.1 | |
| therealsujitk-gifs | v4.1.1 | |
| the-turk-diff | 1.1.2 | |
| sycho-profile-cover | v1.3.5 | |
| sycho-photoswipe | v0.1.12 | |
| ramesh-dada-download-button | v8.1.4 | |
| matteocontrini-imgur-upload | v3.9.1 | |
| kilowhat-audit-free | 1.7.0 | |
| katosdev-signature | 1.6 | |
| justoverclock-welcomebox | 2.0.2 | |
| justoverclock-user-statistics | 0.1.9 | |
| justoverclock-hot-discussions | 0.1.2 | |
| justoverclock-country-flags | 1.0.0 | |
| ianm-synopsis | 1.3.2 | |
| ianm-syndication | 1.3.4 | |
| ianm-log-viewer | 0.1.1 | |
| ianm-boring-avatars | 1.0.0 | |
| fof-webhooks | 1.2.3 | |
| fof-user-bio | 1.4.0 | |
| fof-subscribed | 1.1.4 | |
| fof-split | 1.1.1 | |
| fof-socialprofile | 1.1.6 | |
| fof-sitemap | 2.2.1 | |
| fof-share-social | 1.2.0 | |
| fof-reactions | 1.4.1 | |
| fof-profile-image-crop | 1.1.6 | |
| fof-pretty-mail | 1.1.2 | |
| fof-polls | 2.2.4 | |
| fof-oauth | 1.6.10 | |
| fof-moderator-notes | 1.2.2 | |
| fof-masquerade | 2.1.4 | |
| fof-links | 1.2.3 | |
| fof-linguist | 1.1.2 | |
| fof-ignore-users | 1.2.1 | |
| fof-html-errors | 1.1.2 | |
| fof-geoip | 1.4.4 | |
| fof-gamification | 1.6.7 | |
| fof-formatting | 1.0.3 | |
| fof-drafts | 1.2.10 | |
| fof-disposable-emails | 1.0.0 | |
| fof-direct-links | 1.0.1 | |
| fof-cookie-consent | 1.1.3 | |
| fof-best-answer | 1.4.5 | |
| fof-bbcode-tabs | 1.0.3 | |
| fof-bbcode-details | 1.1.2 | |
| fof-anti-spam | 1.1.2 | |
| fof-analytics | 1.1.0 | |
| flarum-statistics | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-pusher | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-lang-turkish | | |
| flarum-lang-english | v1.8.0 | |
| flarum-extension-manager | v1.0.3 | |
| flarum-emoji | v1.8.0 | |
| deteh-online-guests | 1.0.1 | |
| datlechin-silent-edit | v0.1.0 | |
| datlechin-posted-on | v0.2.1 | |
| datlechin-link-preview | v1.4.0 | |
| datlechin-birthdays | v2.1.2 | |
| clarkwinkelmann-popular-discussion-badge | 1.1.1 | |
| clarkwinkelmann-mass-actions | 1.1.2 | |
| clarkwinkelmann-mailing | 1.1.0 | |
| clarkwinkelmann-circle-groups | 1.0.1 | |
| blomstra-database-queue | 1.1.0 | |
| askvortsov-pwa | v3.4.1 | |
| askvortsov-moderator-warnings | v0.6.3 | |
| afrux-top-posters-widget | v0.1.4 | |
| afrux-online-users-widget | v0.1.6 | |
| afrux-news-widget | v0.1.1 | |
| afrux-forum-stats-widget | v0.1.1 | |
| acpl-mobile-tab | 1.4.4 | |
Base URL:
Installation path: /home/path/web/
Queue driver: database
Session driver: file
Scheduler status: Active
Mail driver: smtp
Debug mode: off