A Flarum extension. Adds a virtual currency system to the Flarum community, allowing users to earn and spend points.
This extension is modified from flarum-ext-money by AntoineFr. It's an excellent extension, and I want to express my gratitude to the original author. I have added some additional features that I needed and have published it here in the hope that you will enjoy it as well.
The next version will add the ability to earn multiple points. So the original functionality of flarum-ext-money is no longer supported. So if your other extensions depend on flarum-ext-money, please use this extension with caution.
All original functionality: This extension retains all the functionality of the original version. But the original functionality will no longer be supported in the next version.
Points Record: Added a feature to record all points transactions.
Initial Points on Registration: New users receive a set amount of points upon registration.
Negative Points Deduction: If points are set to negative, they will be deducted from the user's own account. If the account has insufficient points, the operation cannot be performed.
Points Redistribution: When points are negative, and the user replies to a discussion, the deducted points will be awarded to the discussion starter.
Like Reward System: When points are negative, points deducted from liking a post will be awarded to the person who received the like.
The design philosophy behind this system is a metaphor for time.
Everything you do here consumes your time. If a task is completed without receiving any meaningful response, it’s as if the task was done in vain. If a person continues to engage in meaningless activities, they are essentially wasting their time.
For a similar concept, I recommend watching the movie In Time.
You can also contact me if you wish to pay something to develop the flarum extension.
Install with composer:
composer require shebaoting/money:"*"
composer update shebaoting/money:"*"
php flarum migrate
php flarum cache:clear