fromsly In Flarum, the Posting time is displayed by default as relative time (for example, a few minutes ago, an hour ago, etc.). If I want to display a specific date, how can I modify the code or customize CSS to display the full date format?
Capybara Not really on the topic, but try clicking on the date of the post — a screen will open with a link to the post and the full date
fromsly yeah, I want it display as "2024-9-22 9:26", not "4 hours ago", but I don't know how to change the CSS.
clarkwinkelmann You cannot make this change with CSS. It can be done using the extension API, but I don't think we have any ready to use example. You would replace the item in the post header list with an alternate version. You can copy the code from the original date indicator and switch the part that formats the date with the part from inside the post meta dropdown