wylzn hf06 i was searching for ways to do this thinking it was a bunch of code, not realising it was something i could have figuired out myself.. haha! good job guys!
wylzn hf06 I know this thread is LONG dead however, I still can’t wrap my head around why the old logo was a pixels higher than the old one with the original css, the logo was the exact same no dimensions changed at all
hf06 wylzn to be honest, I haven't tested the css code I gave. If you want, I can test it and review it sometime 😄
wylzn hf06 it’s upto you honestly! I tested it and it sort of worked and I couldn’t find an issue but I may be completely dense… If you wanna check it out though I’d be glad to try my best in supporting (mostly morally)