meihuak I have 15K discussions and 190K posts, but there are about 900 discussions and posts have 5xx server error in google console. when I try to open these URL, it said "An error occurred while trying to load this page."
meihuak in the server log, there is only one error "[2024-11-05 03:18:12] flarum.ERROR: Error: Call to a member function getDisplayNameAttribute() on null in /***vendor/v17development/flarum-seo/src/Page/DiscussionBestAnswerPage.php:153"
GreXXL meihuak it‘s best if you post in the appropriate extensions discussion ( There has been a recent update - did you run migrations after the update. In any case please follow up in the other discussion and make sure to include information as laid out in the troubleshooting guide.