Hello folks,
currently i'm working on a new extension, that is called Flabay.
This extension allow each user inside a Flarum forum to sell things through flarum (something similar to ebay, but less complex).
Each user can create a product to sell, that will be displayed under his personal store, users can see those products and eventually, they can buy directly from the users through Stripe.
To sell something, every user should provide a valid stripe_private_key from the stripe website
When a product is created, through stripe is automatically generated a one-time payement link, so users can pay safely through a dedicated page provided from Stripe.
Feedback system that allow buyer to leave a feedback to the user
This extension is a proof of concept for now (is currently under development), and there are many things to discuss to make it pulic, for example what happen if the user receive the payement and then disappear? (i don't know how to manage it, maybe only trusted users with special permission given from the admin can be enabled to sell.)
When this extension is ready, i think i need 2 or 3 users here with a good amount of registered users to test it properly.