I am having problems when indexing "questions" in google search console, the errors that appear are: Missing “url” field (in “mainEntity.author”) and Missing “url” field (in “mainEntity.suggestedAnswer.author”).
I have translated the page to English and I upload an image of the error:

Possible error: I think the error is due to the fact that in the robots.txt of the forum I have added: Disallow: /u/. So I think that's the reason why the error happen.
So, in case that this is the reason for the failure, I don't want to index my forum users, since it is content that google is not interested in and can penalize my seo for low value content.
So I have thought of a solution which would be to modify the file flarum-seo/src/Page/DiscussionPage.php and remove the line of code number 144:
"url" => $this->urlGenerator->to('forum')->route('user', ['username' => $user->username])
This way Google will no longer see a url field in Q&A authors.
I would like to know what you think about this, if the error can be caused by that and if that is a possible solution or I should not do this.