I know about the checkbox "remember me" to avoid session time outs. Nevertheless, not everyone ticks it or wants to tick it for whatever reason.
So, when the session times out, the website looks as always and if you click on some button, you get an error "no permission". New or non frequent users need a little time until they get the reason of the error.
Would it be possible to show to the user a log in again pop up windows and continue the work at exactly the position where the user was just before clicking?
Work around would be to set "remember me" to true by default.
A different use case, where the work around does not work:
I want to use "deep links", e.g. for User Admin or Permissions. When using such an URL, the symptom is the same.
=> "you are not authorized ..."
Again, it would be nice, if the user got a login pop up and then, the original URL opens.
Apart from that, flarum is by far the most versatile forum software I saw up to now! No heavy installation with a steep learning curve, but just an easy, responsive UI and extendibilty.
Keep on the good work!