Want your opinion or if there is another option of doing this. What i need is to change the search function from using Match (whole word) to Like (part of word/fulltext) and noticed a file FulltextGambit.php that seems to handle the search.
is it fine to change this file or is there a better way?
->whereRaw('MATCH('.$grammar->wrap('discussions.title').') AGAINST (? IN BOOLEAN MODE)', [$bit]);
->whereRaw('discussions.title LIKE ?', ['%' . $bit . '%']);
and ofcourse the same for the content
as a seperate issue also need to change the "insert code" function to insert triple wrap ยด signs instead of single wrap to automaticle have it detect and format code by default, not sure where this is stored but guessing the implementation would be roughly the same.
Thanks in advance,