Hello! I have followed the guide and appended the file type to the configurator file as follows:
namespace s9e\TextFormatter\Plugins\Autovideo;
use s9e\TextFormatter\Plugins\AbstractStaticUrlReplacer\AbstractConfigurator;
class Configurator extends AbstractConfigurator
public array $fileExtensions = ['mov', 'mp4', 'ogg', 'webm', '3gp', '3gpp'];
protected $attrName = 'src';
protected $tagName = 'VIDEO';
protected function getTemplate(): string
return '<video controls="" src="{@' . $this->attrName . '}"/>';
I saved changes, and disabled and re-enabled the plugin but 3gp is still just showing as a URL instead of a embedded video. Any ideas? I also tried clearing cache.
EDIT: I am learning that 3gp embedding may not be supported by HTML5