hhelbling Hi, How can I correctly allow .xml and .gpx file? I've set (application\/(x-(7z|rar)-compressed|zip|arj|x-(bzip2|gzip|lha|stuffit|tar)|pdf|xml|gpx) and upload is fine but gpx file extension is set to .xml when uploading. Thanks for your help.
luceos hhelbling but gpx file extension is set to .xml when uploading. GPX, or GPS Exchange Format, is an XML schema designed as a common GPS data format for software applications. It can be used to describe waypoints, tracks, and routes. The format is open and can be used without the need to pay license fees. I can imagine it tries to make it an xml. I've been considering adding an option for you to disable filetype rewriting, but I'll have to find some time to implement that.
gricelsepulveda The main post indicates the possibility of uploading different files mimetypes, but it isn't clear about the installation steps. Somebody can give me a hand with it?
luceos gricelsepulveda but it isn't clear about the installation steps What installation steps? For the extension or for using specific file mime types?
gricelsepulveda luceos I installed the upload extension but I can only select images, I want to enable the compatibility with another kinds of files (mimetypes)
luceos gricelsepulveda have you read the mime type information in the Original Post? If you want to allow upload of anything use .* as mime regular expression.
luceos gricelsepulveda in the admin area of your flarum forum, there's a new section called "upload".
krisklosterman Is it possible to use another local directory for storage of the images. I thought this was a feature, but not sure how to get it to work.
Metamorphosis is this extension is responsive? I mean, if you are using mobile device, can you see and use this function? Thanks in advance.
gashmicky I am not able to download a file after i set up to redirect my domain name from http to https. please i really want to sort out this and if you have any option let me know thank you in advance .
gashmicky @luceos my flagrow/upload version is 0.6.0 and when i copy the path from the database with both http and https it can able to download the file but from the application the following error appear {"errors":[{"code":500,"title":"Internal server error"}]}
luceos gashmicky please create an issue over at https://github.com/flagrow/upload/issues so we can start tracing the cause.