luceos MikeJones I don't think so, it only affects JS files that are executed in your browser. So for this to work, your bucket would need to store JS files that are part of your SPA. As you choose which file extensions are allowed, you can easily block JS files, in addition no files are actually injected to be run when uploaded. Hope this helps.
sanwhere i donnow if you guys find a solution for this, but i can't upload anything. this is google chrome console error: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) this is sentry error: Intervention\Image\Exception\NotSupportedException[internal] in array_map error GD Library extension not available with this PHP installation. any suggestions?
Kayo A great functionallity for the extension is a URL insert button plus to upload, this can make easier for people insert images from web without using BB or Mark. There's already an extension for that?
GuguguBear Hello, I don't quite understand this expression. I want to increase: Mp3, exe, php, exlie, txt, bin, How do I increase these formats? thank. from Google Translate
matteocontrini Tirual could you show the actual exception message in the console? It's cut in the screenshot
matteocontrini Tirual this one, but it's not helpful because it's too generic. Could you check in the storage/logs directory in your forum root if there's a file created with today's date in the file name? It would be something like flarum-2019-08-04.log. If there's one, try to open that file and scroll to the bottom. You'll see lines starting with a number. Scroll up until you see #1, and copy from above that line (there's a line starting with date and time) to the bottom of the file. Paste here what you got.
Tirual matteocontrini Next Exception: Argument 1 passed to Reflar\ReCache\Middlewares\OptimizeImages::Reflar\ReCache\Middlewares\{closure}() must be an instance of Zend\Diactoros\UploadedFile, array given, called in /home/goldcapp/public_html/vendor/illuminate/support/Collection.php on line 419 in /home/goldcapp/public_html/vendor/flarum/core/src/Api/ErrorHandler.php:41 Stack trace: #0 /home/goldcapp/public_html/vendor/flarum/core/src/Api/Middleware/HandleErrors.php(44): Flarum\Api\ErrorHandler->handle(Object(TypeError)) #1 /home/goldcapp/public_html/vendor/zendframework/zend-stratigility/src/Next.php(60): Flarum\Api\Middleware\HandleErrors->process(Object(Zend\Diactoros\ServerRequest), Object(Zend\Stratigility\Next)) #2 /home/goldcapp/public_html/vendor/zendframework/zend-stratigility/src/MiddlewarePipe.php(83): Zend\Stratigility\Next->handle(Object(Zend\Diactoros\ServerRequest)) #3 /home/goldcapp/public_html/vendor/middlewares/request-handler/src/RequestHandler.php(84): Zend\Stratigility\MiddlewarePipe->process(Object(Zend\Diactoros\ServerRequest), Object(Zend\Stratigility\Next)) #4 /home/goldcapp/public_html/vendor/zendframework/zend-stratigility/src/Next.php(60): Middlewares\RequestHandler->process(Object(Zend\Diactoros\ServerRequest), Object(Zend\Stratigility\Next)) #5 /home/goldcapp/public_html/vendor/middlewares/base-path-router/src/BasePathRouter.php(97): Zend\Stratigility\Next->handle(Object(Zend\Diactoros\ServerRequest)) #6 /home/goldcapp/public_html/vendor/zendframework/zend-stratigility/src/Next.php(60): Middlewares\BasePathRouter->process(Object(Zend\Diactoros\ServerRequest), Object(Zend\Stratigility\Next)) #7 /home/goldcapp/public_html/vendor/zendframework/zend-stratigility/src/Middleware/OriginalMessages.php(41): Zend\Stratigility\Next->handle(Object(Zend\Diactoros\ServerRequest)) #8 /home/goldcapp/public_html/vendor/zendframework/zend-stratigility/src/Next.php(60): Zend\Stratigility\Middleware\OriginalMessages->process(Object(Zend\Diactoros\ServerRequest), Object(Zend\Stratigility\Next)) #9 /home/goldcapp/public_html/vendor/middlewares/base-path/src/BasePath.php(53): Zend\Stratigility\Next->handle(Object(Zend\Diactoros\ServerRequest)) #10 /home/goldcapp/public_html/vendor/zendframework/zend-stratigility/src/Next.php(60): Middlewares\BasePath->process(Object(Zend\Diactoros\ServerRequest), Object(Zend\Stratigility\Next)) #11 /home/goldcapp/public_html/vendor/zendframework/zend-stratigility/src/MiddlewarePipe.php(83): Zend\Stratigility\Next->handle(Object(Zend\Diactoros\ServerRequest)) #12 /home/goldcapp/public_html/vendor/zendframework/zend-stratigility/src/MiddlewarePipe.php(72): Zend\Stratigility\MiddlewarePipe->process(Object(Zend\Diactoros\ServerRequest), Object(Zend\Stratigility\EmptyPipelineHandler)) #13 /home/goldcapp/public_html/vendor/zendframework/zend-httphandlerrunner/src/RequestHandlerRunner.php(95): Zend\Stratigility\MiddlewarePipe->handle(Object(Zend\Diactoros\ServerRequest)) #14 /home/goldcapp/public_html/vendor/flarum/core/src/Http/Server.php(46): Zend\HttpHandlerRunner\RequestHandlerRunner->run() #15 /home/goldcapp/public_html/public/index.php(22): Flarum\Http\Server->listen() #16 {main}
matteocontrini Tirual so it's a problem with the ReCache extension. Report the issue in the ReCache discussion here, together with the exception message you just posted.
Tirual matteocontrini I ran into another issue after settting AWS S3 up. It wont let me upload on that one. I have downloaded the required extension and made the bucket public with the code from the link, however it doesnt rly work
Powermage luceos I am planning a full rewrite the coming months. Feel free to post any request you have for this extension. Correct image orientation based on the orientation info that mobile devices tend to use would be really great. Our users love the extension to upload pictures (and trip reports) on our forum, but this one people just dont understand.
johnlewissims Powermage Correct image orientation based on the orientation info that mobile devices tend to use would be really great. Was this issue ever addressed? Users on my forum are still complaining about this issue.
clarkwinkelmann Tirual the first log line is cut going out of the screenshot. Is there more to it ? Can you copy the full first line here as text ?
Tirual clarkwinkelmann Next Aws\S3\Exception\S3Exception: Error executing "PutObject" on ""; AWS HTTP error: cURL error 6: (see in /home/goldcapp/public_html/vendor/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/WrappedHttpHandler.php:195
clarkwinkelmann Tirual it looks like Your AWS user probably doesn't have the permission to create new files. Can you maybe try one of the suggestions provided on StackOverflow ?
Tirual clarkwinkelmann Okay it wasnt any of that, it was because region apparently had to be us-east-2 However now i have another error. When i upload it shows on site without error, and it uploads to my AWS S3 however when you try to download on my site it says "{"errors":[{"status":"404","code":"resource_not_found"}]}"