I've discovered a (possible) issue with S3 uploading and I'm not sure if it's related to this extension or the S3 library it depends on.
For example, when setting up S3, I need to specify an Access ID, Secret Key and Region endpoint (all par for the course with AWS).
However, because I use use the US East 1 region, it cannot be used in the style of s3.region.amazonaws.com/bucketname
and must use s3.amazonaws.com/bucketname
as per amazon's documentation: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/UsingBucket.html#access-bucket-intro
Unfortunately, because I need to specify the region in the settings for the upload to actually work, the same region is appended to the URL which shouldn't happen in the case of their "default" region.
As far as I can tell, ideally, us-east-1 region users should be able to leave the region blank, in lieu of having to write a workaround for that specific region.
At the moment, I can edit the URL on the post to remove the region and everything works - however, other users won't know what's going on.
Either way thanks for the awesome extension and if this issue is better reported elsewhere let me know. ?