im going to tag @luceos as he posted about the plugin
so whenever I try upload any image or video or audio I keep getting the "oops! something went wrong..." error and when I debug it, this is what I get :
<br />
<b>Strict Standards</b>: Flagrow\Upload\Commands\UploadHandler and Flarum\Core\Support\DispatchEventsTrait define the same property ($events) in the composition of Flagrow\Upload\Commands\UploadHandler. This might be incompatible, to improve maintainability consider using accessor methods in traits instead. Class was composed in <b>/home/u813160984/public_html/vendor/flagrow/upload/src/Commands/UploadHandler.php</b> on line <b>192</b><br />
so can anyone please read the error above and tell me whats wrong and how to fix it?