huuduy216 It depends on which store. The Microsoft and Android App stores are easy. The iOs store needs an App behaving like it's native. For both Android and Windows you can use the PWA-Builder project founded by Microsoft to convert your PWA into an app.
- Visit PWABuilder and enter your PWA URL. Make sure your website is an PWA.
- It will score your PWA. Make sure the scores are good to be approved in stores.
- When you continue you'll get offered 3 options. Windows, Android and Samsung. Just click "Store package" or when needed "Test package".
That's it. Just follow those options, then register for the Play Developer Console or Microsoft Partner console to publish your app. đĨŗ
Note: There are multiple ways to actually do this. This little explanation just tells you an easy way. You could even just build a native app yourself and integrate a webview. However, you'll lose the need of an PWA.