NFG Also it (Circles) doesn't seem to do anything, I can't tell if this is because of the error or what.
Circles isn't really active/ready and it isn't published on packagist either, can you give a link to the extension page on flagrow?
NFG I get the memory allocation error and it doesn't result in the same half success as Circles.
Installing or uninstalling extensions uses composer in the background, which is a true memory hog. There really isn't a safe way to process these tasks, except inside a queue (or through the cli/terminal which is therefor in fact using composer directly).
NFG Finally, the activate/deactivate checkboxes seem to be reversed. They are checked for Activate, and unchecked for Deactivate (it is the opposite behavior in the Extensions tab).
This is very odd and this should probably be an issue on
Please note that I'm overhauling to become extiverse and the future of this extension (Bazaar) in its current form is not guaranteed. Once I have finished the (huge) refactor that extiverse requires, I will look at a better implementation of the companion extension. It will most likely have no interface and run extension installation/deinstallation differently.