MathieuM Hello, I'm waiting for the first beta of Flarum, it seems this "tool" will have a great success ! Well, I'm looking at Github and don't see where "style" files (html, css and co) are... Is it normal ? Could you please explain me how to proceed to create a new theme based on Flarum default one ? Thanks a lot ! 🙂
HolyPhoenix JavaScript (ES6), Mithril.js, gulp, babel, npm, bower, LESS Those are the technologies I believe that are being used. I have no idea how in depth you will be able to get. You might be able to do most of the work with LESS and CSS.
Berlyn I'd just wait and see what sort of templating the developers have opted for, but worst case scenario, the entire application is built in front of a JSON API. You could basically do whatever you wanted to the layout and just consume the same API.
MathieuM I've absolutly no skills for JSON API, but alright, we'll see what to do when the beta comes out 🙂 I guess the developers will write some tips on that subject 😉
MathieuM Wombat : I really hope you're right and that I will undestand JSON because I love to imagine and create my webdesign 🙂