jsthon Congratulations to the release of Flarum beta which I have kept watching on it for one year. ㊗ ? I am very excited to see that it takes it's first step, Now, we have successfully made the language pack, And we will maintain it continuously. ? ? 此语言包由 @jsthon 制作发行 感谢 Flarum 中文站 及 Flarum CN QQ群 提供帮助 基于 Flarum 原生语言包翻译 整体语言风格较细腻自然 符合多数中国人思维习惯 GitHub <https://github.com/jsthon/flarum-simplified-chinese> 如有疑问或建议 请直接提出问题 Issuse on GitHub>> 或联系作者 博客/Blog: http://jsthon.com 邮箱/Mail: jsthon@outlook.com
Toby Nice work! Quoting Toby from another one of the i18n threads: Note that we strongly discourage overwriting Flarum's core files. It makes it a huge pain in the ass to upgrade, which is exactly what we're trying to avoid with the extensions system. To make a language pack, you should make an extension which contains and registers your locale files. See the Packaging and Localization docs for more info.
Meow Toby Will users be able to switch to a different language? That is really important for multilingual websites.
Meow Toby Would not it be confusing for translators? Why not providing an official ‘Core i18n’ extension and making it handle all translations?
Dominion But that's the nice thing about extensions ... ... you can turn them off, or even delete them, if they're not needed.
Qiaeru mingxia config.js文件完成了么? 我这边有一个中文的。 它可以在这里找到:https://github.com/moment/moment/blob/develop/locale/zh-cn.js
mingxia Qiaeru 呵呵,等不及楼主回复,我先赶制了一个中文语言包,翻译的还不完全,但是差不多先用着。 https://github.com/mingxia/simplified-chinese 安装:composer require mingxia/simplified-chinese