Yolo the speed of your forum depends on many factors, such as the amount of extensions enabled recently, any custom scripts or external JS libraries, amount of visitors, traffic during peak hours, etc...
I currently do not observe any degraded performance of a couple FreeFlarum forums that I have visited. It is difficult to track issues such as this, since there is currently no monitoring for slow forum loading in place from FreeFlarum's side at the moment. Please note that FreeFlarum is a free and community provided service. I do my best to optimize it as much as I can for the thousands of forums that we host, while being able to handle server expenses through donations (e. g.: not renting stronger and more expensive server equipment).
If your forum depends on top speed and minimal latency, then I recommend you to migrate to a different hosting, such as Blomstra perhaps? FreeFlarum was never intended for serious forums anyways, but rather as an empty canvas, the foundation for your upcoming community.
Anyways, I'll be happy to assist you by either providing your forum data and other details you might need when migrating; or try clicking around your forum & checking some extensions you have enabled, if you contact me through E-mail