@radixio, @NikolaiMorozov, @Sanguine, @luceos or anyone please help me figure out how to resolve this issue [unknown] which I posted above many days ago.
The Issue is that I am on shared hosting running Apache on Linux and Flarum Beta 7.
In order to try to install composer on my server, so that I can run common Laravel commands and that Laravel migrations can be run automatically by new extensions during installation, I generated SSH keys and authorised them, tried to use Putty to connect to my shared hosting server but it always responds with "connection rejected" message.
So assuming SSH is not gonna work, to save time I chose to upload extentions manually to my server and update composer.json, composer.lock & installed.json in vendors/composer directory with all dependencies inserted and installed by following the same steps mentioned above for each dependency.
I needed to install avatar4eg/flarum-ext-share-social or Flarum Sharing extension along with terabin/sitemapextension.
I installed all of the five extensions above, out of which only Flagrow-upload, Video embed extensions are working. Rest of the three for Sharing & Sitemap were generating the same error as this: [unknown]. I left all of five extensions installed along with extra dependencies like sijad/pages and another for sitemap.
As these were fatal errors, I figured out the way to supressing these runtime fatal errors by removing flarum-ext prefix from the folder names of avatar4eg/share-social, Flarum Sharing , Sitemap & Pages extensions. The error went away with Flagrow-upload and Video Embeds working while Share Social, Flarum Sharing,Sitemap & Page extensions not working but fatal error suppressed.
Now please confirm if this is the Flarum Beta 7 and extensions incompatibility.
Also please let know that as if I manually uploaded the extensions on shared server, do if have to manually run extension's migrations and how to manually run migrations or running migrations is only possible with composer installed on server?
Thanks in advance guys for your time.