Instructions for cookie cutter Raspberry Pi Flarum development drop box
A cookie cutter template portable Flarum development platform / drop-box guerrilla forum.
No coding or cli needed instant Flarum installation and portable.
Required hardware:
♦ Raspberry Pi 3 or Raspberry Pi Zero W (raspberry devices that include wifi chipsets)
♦ 4GB+ microsd card. (the bigger and faster the better)
Software required:
♦ PiBakery . (Windows/macOS/Linux)
♦ My custom PiBakery blocks.
♦ Download PiBakery:
♦ Download custom blocks for installing Flarum:
- Install PiBakery (when given option, just install Stretch Lite, no desktop needed)
- Extract to Desktop
- Open PiBakery
- Drag & Drop the folders: disablescreensleep, lempinstall, flarumbeta onto the PiBakery workspace.
To permanently enable the blocks, copy/move folders to:
On macOS:
Applications / PiBakery
(right click -> show package contents)
On Windows:
C:\Program Files (x86)\PiBakery\resources\app\pibakery-blocks
PiBakery workspace should look like this:

- Insert microsd card into computer and click on write.
- When completed, insert microsd card into Raspberry Pi and power on the device.
It takes a long time for it to complete the install, its best to connect a HDMI monitor to track progress.
- After the device reboots, enter the IP address of the PI into your browser to complete the Flarum installation.
- It doesn't take too long to write the sdcard
- It takes a long time for the Raspberry Pi to complete the installation
- It takes a long time waiting for Flarum to install when web installer is run.
To be completed:
- Create block for email notification of install completion
- Create blocks for individual extensions
- Flarum with PirateBox for private network (
Most of this work was done using @webeindustry 's Monkey Flarum Install Script as a guide.
Modifications were made in order to be PiBakery/Raspbian compatible.