matteocontrini language is totally feasible. You can't hide the language packs you use in Flarum, so even if the lang attribute is not correctly configured I should be able to get the language.
Question for all: would you be interested in a "MigrateToFlarum Showcase" extension that you can install on your forum so the lab can get better statistics with less requests, as well as letting you able customize a few things ?
For example, the following could be done:
- Get the number of discussions without hitting your API, as well as get number of discussions above 50k
- Get the number of discussions if your forum requires registration to see discussions
- Get the number of private discussions. Based on settings, could include discussions behind a paywall or private discussions between users for example
- Get the number of users even if you don't allow user listing
- Get activity stats
- More frequent update of statistics
- Automated addition to the showcase without having to scan the forum first
- Ability to opt out from the lab without manually adding the meta tag
- Ability to customize the forum description for the showcase
- Ability to select showcased discussions or pages from the forum
- Ability to select your forum market category or audience to sort out forums in the showcase
These are just the ideas I had. They would all be optional if implemented. There's no timeline for such an extension, I'd love to hear your thoughts first.
Also, what if it was a paid extension, so it supports the lab and offers you a bit more visibility in the showcase ?