I am pleased to present you a free (and open source !) online tool to check the health of your Flarum, or any other Flarum out there really.
Simply go to https://lab.migratetoflarum.com/ and enter your forum url to get started.

For now the report includes the following data:
Url check
- Checks both the bare and www version of your domain on
and https://
- Warns of unresolvable hosts or insecure settings
- Warns of duplicate urls
- Warns of invalid
- On
, checks your HSTS and CSP headers
Extensions check
- Shows the list of all extensions loaded on the frontend, with links to Packagist, Flagrow.io and GitHub. Only extensions adding features to the user-facing area are visible
- When possible, show extension version and suggest updates if available
- Warns of deprecated extensions
- Some admin-only or background-only extensions might not be detected
Security check
- Checks if your webserver is exposing
or vendor
folders as well as Composer files
- Checks for known Flarum security vulnerabilities
Forums are awarded a rating from A (best) to D (worst):
- A+: same as A, but implements recommended security headers
- A: correctly configured on HTTPS
- B: correctly configured on HTTPS but with deprecated extensions or suboptimal redirects
- C: Invalid configuration or HTTP only
- D: known security issues and/or outdated Flarum and/or vulnerable extensions
Once you fixed your issues, start a new scan to get your new rating 😉
You can use my referral link to get $100 free credit with a new DigitalOcean account, and I get $25 after you spend $25, which goes directly to pay for the lab hosting https://www.digitalocean.com/?refcode=6077bb0e5aeb

Privacy / disclaimer
Use this service at your own risks.
When scanning a website you can choose to not list the results on the homepage. All reports (hidden or not) are stored on the server for an indefinite amount of time.
This service is operated by Clark Winkelmann. Please report any issue here or on the GitHub repo.