I got to thinking today about creating a new site. In my area, we have a facebook page that acts like a classifieds site. Members of the group can post things they want to sell/trade/buy, list a price, add some pictures, and people can comment on them.
It got me thinking how I can use Flarum for this purpose. I mean, it has all the tools available already aside from things like a price field and marking ads as sold/completed.
Here's a list of features I would be implementing, but I'd like some feedback, whether it be adding new features or expanding features I've listed.
- Price or Price Range Field
- Location
- Image Attachments
- Custom Secondary Tags only for 'Classifieds' Tag
- Mark Post 'Sold' or 'Completed'
- Sort By Active Status (Sold/Unsold)
- Create Classifieds Tag(s)
- Set User Restrictions/Permissions
- Auto-Prune Inactive/Sold Posts
- Custom Post Templates
I'm open to any ideas or suggestions 🙂