XxPoNaGeXx I got the extension to load without breaking the site however, pretty the button doesn't actually change anything
Kyrne XxPoNaGeXx the extension is still very much in beta. We are working on improving the stability of it.
Shahiem 0.1.2 ? Nightmode is now working with debug mod turned off. Updating ⏫ Please run: composer update reflar/nightmode Upcoming features list ? 1.1.0 ? Ability to turn the night mode on or off at a specific time
XxPoNaGeXx Hey, thanks for the fix! I've compiled a list of things that are a lil wonky for me. Screenshots below https://i.imgur.com/xLJslfB.png https://i.imgur.com/XAGHt8I.png https://i.imgur.com/7ZCaPvV.png https://i.imgur.com/JkaZwln.png this one is the same for any settings on the user profiles https://i.imgur.com/lygIQiL.png https://i.imgur.com/4bwdW9y.png https://i.imgur.com/90LbTQ6.png Code blocks https://i.imgur.com/CjPx2Xs.png Side bar https://i.imgur.com/wvBdvuH.png Notifications https://i.imgur.com/IyD51P5.png Also does not work on Firefox. Tells the user something is wrong and to refresh the page
Shahiem XxPoNaGeXx Thank you. New update with the bug fixes is coming today. Nice to see the night mode extension in action on your forum ?
Shahiem 0.1.3 ? Style fixes Removed page refresh when switching from mode Add day and night colors to dropdown menu items Updating ⏫ Please run: composer update reflar/nightmode and php flarum cache:clear Upcoming features list ? 1.0.0 ? Ability to turn the night mode on or off at a specific time
robinodds Shahiem great work ? Little issue: In night mode, on mobile, sub menus have white background instead of a black one (nonreadable texts)
robinodds Shahiem Thank you so much. However, this little issue remained: robinodds In night mode, on mobile, sub menus have white background instead of a black one (nonreadable texts) https://ibb.co/mSbfgJ (night on the right)
Shahiem youhosi Please post your issue here: https://github.com/ReFlar/nightmode/issues and provide this issue with more details.