Hi there, I'm trying to do the conversion but even with the script by @sivivan (This one) , which I modified to add the table prefix for phpbb_
(for some reason forum_
was hardcoded) I have plenty of errors.
A common output was
Wrong SQL: INSERT INTO discussion_tag (discussion_id, tag_id) VALUES( '5145', '6') Error: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`flarum`.`posts`, CONSTRAINT `posts_discussion_id_foreign` FOREIGN KEY (`discussion_id`) REFERENCES `discussions` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE)
And while I can see all the tags and the discussions in the first page, I have a Resource not found
error when trying to open one. All in all, I'd say, it's still messy. I'm trying to use it with the beta8, which is the version it was written for, so I don't know why I'm getting all this errors. I may have to read all of the sql structure of flarum and phpbb, but I'd really rather not do that.
@Oldemar how is it going to you? Did you manage?