Franz You can try to come up with your own estimate by checking out our roadmap and comparing it to our current state.
Considering that was 10 months ago and the beta6 is months past due, things are not looking good. And strong contributors to extensions are losing heart, understandably, which is bad for all of us.
When I look at the roadmap, I think, "Sheesh, that's a lot of frickin' stuff that needs done!" And I also think it seems a bit overzealous for a v1, because the system as it is now at beta5 is pretty good.
In that roadmap I see Big Picture objectives, which are supposed to be addressed in a series of beta releases, and I see Feature Breakdown, which isolates different things. But those features have no tie to any particular beta target. And that is why this "roadmap" is useless, and why you keep getting questions about it, which in turn you keep side-stepping. ?
So if you can't give any ballpark estimates of time, then at least work on prioritising what features will go into what beta releases, and then match those beta releases with the big picture items. Right now it just seems like waterfall and scope creep with no rhyme or reason. It's no wonder you can't give any dates.
For example, of all those features, what one or two is most important for a beta6 release? Let's break it down! Then do that again for beta7, which 2 or 3 things would go there? Then again for beta8. Etc.
How many betas are needed to complete the Big Picture v1? Break it down. Map it! If you have to edit it along the way, do it, but get an initial feature-to-beta map started so we see what's going on and this roadmap is worth something.