Hi, If anyone wants the steps to get flarum beta3 installed on their Cpanel you can do as follows:
Login to your account via ssh then run the following commands
cd ~
mkdir bin
mkdir bin/composer
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
mv composer.phar bin/composer
Determine the location of your php-cli (needed later on) by typing:
which php-cli
If the above fails, use
which php
It should return the path, such as /usr/bin/php-cli, /usr/php/54/usr/bin/php-cli , etc.
You should now browse to your cpanel home directory and edit ~/.bashrc and make sure this line is at the top:
[ -z "$PS1" ] && return
Adding it if it is not
Then add this alias to the bottom (using the php-cli path that you determined earlier):
alias composer="/usr/bin/php-cli ~/bin/composer/composer.phar"
Finish with these commands:
source ~/.bashrc
composer --version
Then navigate to public_html and make a directory for the forum e.g
cd public_html
mkdir forum
cd forum
Then run the flarum beta3 installer commands in the directory forum or whatever directory you created
composer create-project flarum/flarum . --stability=beta
Then load your browser and navigate to the installer www.tld.com/forum and enter your database and forum details.
Note the s9e-mediaembed-0.2.1 is not working with the beta3 as I've noticed, will have to wait till it is marked compatible with beta3.