KeiGR darmanex Thx Bro Qiaeru Thank you very much i will fix it now 😃 Point1: fixed Point2: fixed Point3: fixed
Qiaeru Some tips: On this line, you should have a vendor/package structure, like realodix/indonesian. For information, the name of the directory containing all the files of your language pack have to be named with a vendor-package structure. For example, realodix-indonesian/ will be the directory containing all the files of your language pack. On this line, you should have the English name of your language ("Indonesian"), because it's used to name your extension as seen for administrators. They can be interested to install your language pack for their users without knowing a word of it. The local name of the language is fine on this line because it's used on the language selector available for users, so they will select it only if they speak it. You must change the name on the license file!
KeiGR Imron_Haro harrysaputra Iya error, saya belum sempat update. Compatible up to: Flarum 0.1.0 Beta 5 di sini katanya beta6 dalam 6 minggu, jadi nanggung..
AntonovPbun KeiGR Gimana caranya gan? dulu saya pernah ikutan di chevereto. tapi online. klau disini gan?
KeiGR @AntonovPbun Iya belum dirilis Gan, milestonesnya ada di sini Pada beta 5, cara pemasangannya sedikit berbeda gan dengan sebelumnya Saya sedikit mengedit di vendor/composer/installed.json agar bisa terbaca.
KeiGR mgilang Thank you ongoltse Thank you, sama-sama jaspis Semoga saja bisa cepat rilis versi stabil Flarumnya. Untuk Bahasa Indonesia, saya usahakan tidak jauh dari versi stabilnya Flarum
jaspis wah bagus nih ada indonesia language packnya.. kayaknya oktober udah stable release flarum spertinya.. moga-moga untuk bahasa indonesianya juga bisa menyusul.