jsthon very nice work
Flarum v0.1.0-beta.4 released
Is there any scheduled date for the First Production Release ?
Good job
[Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatorInterface] is not instantiable.
Great! Don't know slug Vietnamese get support?
nice work! thank you.
- Edited
I've not been around on this forum for a few months due to transitioning into a new career and look how far Flarum has come. Toby and Franz, you are both by far my two favourite people on the internet today. Your motivation, dedication, organisation and never-ending passion into this forum software is flawless. There are so many good things coming to Flarum.
I will be installing this beta release and putting it to use along with a few friends (and soon to be colleagues) to further concrete many of your customers, fans and contributor's comments already. Flarum is a diamond in the rough, but soon enough the forum world won't know what hit it.
Keep it up guys!
What is going on with the Devs of this site?
We cant even install this on a Windows Server "WHY NOT"?
YoMamma Actually that's a good question. Why can't you? Composer can run on windows and you can execute the install commands on cmd the same as you do on Linux, funny how a lotpeople claim something without even trying...
By the way almost all modern frameworks use composer, it helps update and maintain a script and you can always install using a single line of code. Flarum is based on Laravel (correct me if I'm wrong), and installs the same way as Yii.