Flarum v0.1.0-beta.4 released
Hi,i am new user ,where is download link?
roy Here are the detailed installation instructions. Follow them and you'll be able to get Flarum up and running on your server in no time!
jordanjay29 Thanks jordan.
Are you sure you don't need more than 2 developers?
Myst through plug-ins (we call them extensions) , pull requests, writing helpful guides, finding and reporting bugs, and being a positive community member.
Hi !
Im new to this forum but it looks wonderful and I'd like to use it. Silly question: if I install it now on my website will it create troubles for me to update it latter on? thanks for answering a newbie like me!!! enjoy your day
phapthe It could. Most likely updating will just be done via a simple command, but things may change up and there are no guarantees that you don't have to do major changes. It is not recommended to use it in production yet.
Thanks for the clear reply ! I guess I'll wait a bit more then :-)
- Edited
Franz luceos Go with summernote. I spent ages on editors and managed to get summernote rocking. Redactor did not provide near anyway as good. I managed to get true wysiwyg and scaling with a bit of prodding. Was not possible with redactor.
u can see here proof of the eating - http://prntscr.com/9ijjcy
I'm just going to wait as much as I need to wait to install it on my shared hosting account (with no SSH, so no Composer support)...
We are waiting for the php version to install in shared hosting such as the 0.1.0-beta.2
ComparteyaPagina You mean the no-composer/no-ssh requirement version.
You should be able to download a copy of Flarum through composer on windows and then upload it to your desired host.
VIRUXE I don't know what is Composer I'm new in this I'm using the version 0.1.0-beta.2 this version can be installed in shared hosting but version 0.1.0-beta.4 can't not we have used composer-installer
ComparteyaPagina Maybe you should start another discussion about your problem so we can help you.
Anyway, I think someone from the staff should write something about this issue somewhere because it seems some people just give up on Flarum because they need to learn how to use another tool.