• Support
  • Can only download beta 4, not beta 3

Upgrade appears to be impossible because I kept having issues with beta 3 not completing the download

I decided to delete everything and start over. But this lead to beta 4 always being downloaded and skipping beta 3. Which means upgrading beta 2 became impossible.

NOTE: This is more of a status bug report then support request. I've given up and just decided to start a fresh install. I would recommend beta 5 return back to the easy ZIP install beta 1 and 2 was. It was easier to install NodeBB than it has become to setup Flarum.

Franz NOTE: This is more of a status bug report then support request. I've given up and just decided to start a fresh install. I would recommend beta 5 return back to the easy ZIP install beta 1 and 2 was. It was easier to install NodeBB than it has become to setup Flarum.

Did not work. Thanks anyways.

    Franz Forget the update... Installing has become too complicated. Composer couldn't even download things correctly and I had to keep trying to get it to work.

    Please bring back the ZIP file installs.

    Allow me to be frank: what is complicated about running one console command?

    Don't get me wrong, I understand that installing PHP software should always be as simple as possible (namely uploading a few files to the server and be done). As already explained, though, we currently cannot do that, because we use Composer both for Flarum itself and for extensions' dependencies. Until we can solve that problem in another way, there's no way around requiring Composer right now.

      Franz Allow me to be frank: what is complicated about running one console command?

      Answer: Nothing.

      It should be as simple as typing out the command and pressing enter (or copying and pasting, then pressing enter). From there it should just work. It didn't... Repeatedly on different host and finally I migrated to a VPS of my own and it failed there too.

      Conclusion: Something isn't right.

      phpBB uses Composer as well. They do not have these issues. Suggest you follow their lead and return to the simple zip installs.

        luceos This was conducted over 7 host (6 shared + 1 vps). The following "problems" occurred.

        The repo could not be validated.
        Files were missing from the repo.
        The build failed (lost count on what errors)
        Could not control which version was pulled.

        I like Flarum.
        I like how it works.
        I like how it looks.

        The current install / upgrade is not acceptable. phpBB uses composer too. Please follow their lead.

          GOD The current install / upgrade is not acceptable. phpBB uses composer too. Please follow their lead.

          Sorry, but they are using Composer in a different way than we are, similar to what we did in the first two beta versions. I'll have to say this again: If we use Composer for installing extensions (because it solves many of the problems that extension management has to solve), then we need to require the user to have Composer installed. Thus, it only makes sense to use it for installation, too.

          I'll try and see if I can reproduce your problems when I get home tonight.

          I understand that this is inconvenient and am sorry about that. I've stated the reasons, feel free to contribute ideas how we can improve the current situation (without just going back). But please stop claiming this is "not acceptable". All of it is, while we're in Beta. 🙂

          @Franz Good luck.

          I don't know how you're using it, but it isn't user friendly and it is proving problematic. I understand and respect that this is beta software, but alpha software from phpBB doesn't give me the problems Flarum has. Flarum beta 1 and 2 was easier.

          Compiling and configuring Node.js was easier. I was able to configure NodeBB in less time than it took to even get Flarum to download correctly. https://sociallyuncensored.com/

          I do like the way Flarum looks, but I regret I'll not be using it. I am reminded that phpBB uses Composer and building it from source was easier. https://github.com/phpbb/phpbb/tree/master

          cd phpBB
          php ../composer.phar install --dev

          I think Flarum has taken a step back and should reassess. Your earlier beta 1 and beta 2 was easier.

            What I suggest you to do is to call php and composer where they are installed on your server and execute only one istance.

            I have many versions of php, composer and so on, so to be sure everything is gioing fine I just install composer in the domain directory and execute the php version I desire.


            CALLING PHP:


            CALLING COMPOSER (installed in domain)

             /opt/plesk/php/5.6/bin/php /var/www/vhosts/communiti.ch/composer.phar

            SO FULL COMMAND TO EXECUTE installation

            to execute while in correct directory (in my example i was in /var/www/vhosts/communiti.ch/beta.communiti.ch/)

            /opt/plesk/php/5.6/bin/php /var/www/vhosts/communiti.ch/composer.phar create-project flarum/flarum   --stability=beta

            GOD I think Flarum has taken a step back and should reassess.

            They clearly did already and their assessment was that using composer would make development more easier as well as providing easier updates.
            I don't agree with it being a step back. For those forced or choosing only shared hosts, yes. But I'm not sure why users who use shared hosts and have limited access (generally for those with less or no experience with terminal) should be beta testing software which you would expect to need experience modifying things in the terminal.

            Once flarum is stable and bugs hammered out, I am sure shared hosting will be easily supported and upgrades easy as well.