Tsy If a post or mention could be done on the release of the newer version for beta 12, please mention me.
clarkwinkelmann Tsy you can follow the discussion here and turn on email notifications in your user settings 😉 You'll get an email for each new reply.
arda Tsy You can follow the discussion to get notified as @clarkwinkelmann said, but when the new version gets released, we'll do our announcement here as well.
arda After we release the compatibility update, we're going to work a lot on the theme itself, as it's not good as it's supposed to be based on Material guidelines.
arda tolgaaaltas Coming soon 🙂 I've mentioned our goals in a past post: Google Material Design (Available) Microsoft Fluent Design (Research for resources) Round Design (Under Construction) Sharp / Rectangular Design (Under Construction) Thin Design (Pending) Bold Design (Pending) Transparent Design (Pending) More? (Ideas and requests are appreciated) https://discuss.flarum.org/d/14109-an-extension-development-group-extum/11 The statuses are old though, we're starting our work just these days after a big break.
meetdilip Opacity, shadow and gradient. That is what I have seen in the fluent design. Shadows are a bit thick, gradients are fine. Opacity is see through enough with a blur.
paollu arda i tried install material design using "composer require extum/flarum-ext-material", but give me error. have a problem?
pioneer Any chance to see a demo somewhere? Any version, either new or old, I don't care, just curious how it could look like.
arda paollu Sorry for the late response. The current live version isn't compatible with recent versions of Flarum and we're currently working on a new version of the theme. We'll keep you updated here in this thread.
dayatbethoven arda how do I use this thema? I installed it and have activated this extension, but the view has not changed