I tried to setup Flarum for development last night but was unsuccessful in updating all of the extensions and core to dev-master from the beta version using composer.
I first tried just updating everything in the composer.json in the root project to dev-master as seems to be stated in the contributor guide. This immediately gave me a dependency error. The specific packages that cause me issues are core, akismet, approval and flags.
It seems that no matter what I do, approval always tells me that dev-master flags depends on the beta version of core and that there was no package found. I went into the composer.json for flags and changed it to depend on the dev-master version of core. Did an update and everything seemed to update fine. Then went back to approval to try to update again, dependent on dev-master flags (which should now depend on dev-master core, shouldn't it?) and was told that dev-master flags depends on the beta core.
Could someone please provide some more detail on how to get all of Flarum's components update to the dev-master versions so I can start working?
Sorry for my lack of composer knowledge.